Monday, May 12, 2014

Roadside Assistance (Letter from May 12)

[Some of this is in response to things we talked about Skyping on Mother's Day] 

I got pretty good at throwing pokemon cards also! I have torn cards when they hit the wall because of the sheer velocity of awesome I throw them! That was up in Burlington. I havent thrown a good card for a while. I need to make sure and practice some more.  

And also I covered just about everything in Skype yesterday, so not much else. But the Oliphants are awesome!! They are a less active part member family!! So ya, it was kinda awkward talking about people we are working with because they are who we are working with:)  But they are doing awesome!! They came to church last week and this one! and Lindie was wonderful during the skype call!! Sorta like Thorin! Except she is cuter! What! I cant believe I just said that.....

Last night someone who was rolling on their spare tire had an oopsy next to the highway. It came off. Oops. So we went to go help, but we werent needed. The sisters found them first and called us. And we went and one of the officers decided just to call a tow truck because the bolts were locked onto the tires so the spare wouldnt have any bolts and would have fallen off again....

Well that is about it. Sorry. 

Love you mucho! 

How Brady and his companion decorated their apartment with stuff they found lying around the city, including the grandfather clock they found on the curb.

It's Hot, Yo. (Letter from May 5)

This week what happened.... it gets kinda hard to remember all the time. Well on Wednesday night the APs called us up and were like yo, Eldas, let us go with y'all tomorrow!!  So we be like aiight. Tight yo, whats happenin'? And then they said not a thing bra. We just wanna work with y'all! So we be all tiiiiiight broskiis! So we spent the Thursday afternoon trackting with the APs. I went with Page, and Olson went with Stopper. That was lots of fun! I love trackting a lot, I am just really bad at it so it was nice to go with someone who knows what they are doing pretty well! I loved it! 

Then we went back and had dinner at the Mocks, these awesome members (they gave me a knife :) I was so happy!!!!! I loved it much! it is a small fold up knife but looks slick. It is a classy knife). And we had an investigator over for dinner also! Her name is Cheryl! She is their daughter's step mother. And she also came to church on sunday, and she is awesome!! I love her a lot! She is really cool! Please pray for her!

Saturday we did about 4 hours of trackting with me Elder Olson together! Loved it! But it was hot! We got one new, and a lot of potentials to follow up with!! 

Someone once asked me if it is hot right now... well it snowed last week. Yesterday, I took a picture of the car thermometer at 109 degrees. So yeah, it gets hot. We did the 4 hours of trackting in 100 degrees! I really wish I brought out more short sleeve and less long sleeve.

Love you tons!! More than hot weather!!

La oruga muy hambrienta (Letter from April 28)

Well, Easter was yesterday. I hope you all watched that Because of Him video that the church made for it. If you have not, go do it now before finishing this letter! (mom, please insert link here: , thanks) Wow! Isn't that a wonderful video! So powerful yet short! Christ is the best, and that is a good video showing how awesome he really is! It takes 2:45 minutes, but it freakin' rocks my boat!

Well Easter was yesterday. I hope you all had  a really great day! I did! We had lots of less actives show up! It was wonderful and 3 investigators! I loved it! Unfortunately it is kinda hard to talk to people on Easter, so we didn't get much done. The sisters are living with some members so we went over there at night and died some eggs together! (haha get it? it's funny cause the egg gets dead) It was lots of fun! 

We did some good biking this week and found about 4 new investigators! That was awesome! And I have to give another talk on Sunday, at least this one is only 5-10 minutes!! So much shorter than the others. And it is English so that is also nice! wont have to read the story of the hungry Caterpillar again, and try to translate it into Spanish, a foreign language! So that makes me happy!

And other than that, nothing really happened this week, bummer! But have a good one! love y'all!

I love you more than humidity! 

con amor Elder Daines

Dying Easter Eggs

Flaming Tea Bags (Letter from April 14)

Wowzers ma! You always have some awesome story to tell! Or some sick object lesson. Here is a good one. You light a tea bag on fire and it flies! What!! Apostasia! Go ahead, try it, I wanna see the gleaming lanterns fly! 

I think I talked about GC last week but it was awesome, but not as awesome as french toast (sorry grandpa, I won't make that mistake again!:)  
this week we did a Easter activity! The sisters did a lot of work for it, and Sister Rucker and Bro Spencer! A lot of people helped, but those were the main who did a lot of work for it! But it was awesome! We had about 4 non members show up and about 60 members! it was lots of fun! I really enjoyed it! 

We watched some videos in front of the baptismal font about the savior, then we went to the chapel and watched a few about the Atonement, then we went outside and wrote something we are thankful for and tied them to a balloon. And let 'em go. But this is Kansas. And it is windy. So the balloons went almost sideways! Ha! They got caught a lot in our neighbors trees, oops... sorry guys! It was really funny.

Also remember how I crashed my bike the other day after it got caught on my comps watch? Well this week I was riding and one of our members who is about 12 shouted, don't go playing with watches again! it was reallyl funny. I had to explain it to my comp, but it was really funny!

We also went to the temple on Tuesday! Once a transfer one zone goes to the temple, and I got lucky so I went in jan. And now! To the kansas city missouri one and to the Oklahoma one! I am so grateful for the temples! I really love going to the temples! 

But other than that, this week was pretty normal. save for the garage sales... I guess it is the annual city wide garage sale day this weekend. I saw so many freaking garage sales everywhere, So, so many, I have never seen so much junk all over the road! And I got a sick tie for a buck!

Have a great week team! love y'all! 

Love, Elder Daines